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I had a porch way fitted 1.5 years ago since then the door handle has worn away and became very lose , when I complained about this the man said no problem he will give me new handles which you did 6 weeks later. After a really bad downpour of rain I noticed I had a leak in the porch, I got some letters and went to investigate where it was coming from when I got up the ladder I noticed that all the cladding around the Top had not been put back in properly. I been phoned DWC in Cosham again and ask them to come out and have a look as it was leaking, the girl on the phone told me that someone would phone me back after 4 days no phone call so I found again, this time I spoke to a manager who reassured me that this would be looked at and that he would phone me back after making a few phone calls. After 5 days still no phone call and still not repaired. So I had to phone up yet again and after five weeks now still not repaired. This company are quick enough to take your money but when it comes to reparing something they don't want to know my advice still well clear of this company and do not use. Mr r Bullen

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